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Photographer of the Year

Contest - 1 Contest - 2 Contest - 3 Final

Photographer of the year Contest 2024 - Contest - 2

Somdutt Prasad ( Rank : 1 )

This portfolio captures the wildlife on the pack ice north of Svalbard. A polar bear and her cub interact affectionately, watch a pod of beluga whales in fascination whilst the whales frolic in the pristine waters. These images highlight the beauty and the resilience of wildlife in these desolate climes.

01 Bear Hug

02 Cub snuggles up

03 Cub under Mum

04 Curious bears watching whales

05 Belugas

Photographer of the year Contest 2024 - Contest - 2

Mrinal Sen ( Rank : 2 )

Great cormorants exhibit aggressive behavior when fighting for fish. These battles often occur in prime fishing spots. When two cormorants target the same fish, the confrontation begins with sharp calls and threatening displays, including raised wings. The birds engage in a physical struggle while flapping their wings vigorously to assert dominance.

01 Aquatic Victory

02 Combat for fish

03 Cormorant Clash

04 Victorious Flight

05 Diving victory

Photographer of the year Contest 2024 - Contest - 2

Arunaa singh ( Rank : 3 )

THE WINDOWS ,ARCHES AND CORRIDORS :--- The bhool bhulaiyan in bada Imambada in Lucknow is a Labyrinth of intricately interwind tunnels ,windows, arches ,doors , and corridors ,with one path branching branching with in to many others . The entire structure was built uniquely . windows, arches ,doors , and corridors have been strategically placed ,so there is Always enough light and ventilation during the day .